Today I am going to share a DIY face pack/mask with you, which is my grandmothers recipe which she used and passed on to us for clear skin.
She used this often in summers to prevent sunburn and clearing and toning the skin. This easy and simple eye pack removes under eye circles/puffiness and relax your eyes. You can do this twice a week or once a week to remove dark circles and clean the pores.
- 1/2 Cucumber
- Rose Water
- Two cotton pads
- Grate the Cucumber
- Add 1 tsp of rose water in cucumber and stir got for just 2$ from an Indian Store for 6.8 oz / 200ml
- Soak the cotton pads into the bowl
- Take it out and keep in fridge
- Rub the cucumber all over your face and then in last place the cotton pads on your eye.
Some really great benefits of using cucumber for skin:-
- It hydrates your skin and makes your skin so cooled after a hot summer day.
- Cucumber can clear and maintain your complexion , effectively circumventing pimples and blackheads.
- Its juice is an astringent that lightens facial skin and it open pores which is essential for cleanliness.
- It has been used as a remedy for sunburn issues as it has high water and nutrient content, it can nourish the skin and expedite the healing process. And also it has cooling effect so it will help to get rid of pain really fast.
Some benefits using rose water for skin :-
- Rose water acts as a natural facial cleanser.
- It helps to remove the tan and dirt on face.
- Daily cleaning the face with this water helps to makes our face soft and glow very naturally.
- To keep the glow on face - Wash face with rose water, while going outside.
- Using of rose water helps to keep away from unwanted oil, redness & impurities on face.
- Habituate the rose water applying to the face. This will minimize the pores by removing dust in them and also helps to reduce the wrinkles.
- It can also used as a makeup remover to remove the makeup on face.
- Using of this water will helps to reduce the dryness and peeling skin on face.
- Adding the rose water in the facial mask instead of water will clean and removes the dirt on face as a cleanser.
I always buy a big bottle of Rose water from Indian Store at just $2 and I transfer half of it in my spray bottle and mix with little water and keep it in my fridge and use a toner or refresher on my face. I always carry it with me in my purse if I go to beach or out for long day.

Hope you enjoy Chitra